Anchor-Columbus Repeats “Perfect” Survey!
Following a four-day survey that ended on May 7th, 2015, Anchor Home Health of Greater Columbus was awarded a “deficiency- free” survey by the Ohio Department of Health. The facility achieved this distinction in back-to-back surveys (last in 2012). In 2014, SAI group affiliated home health agencies in Fremont, Bryan and Defiance, and Alpine House of Toledo, a residential care facility, were also awarded “deficiency-free” surveys. That is, SAI group facilities collectively achieved “perfect” surveys in five out of the last seven re-certification surveys; two facilities had minimal (non-care related) deficiencies. The leadership credits the outstanding survey results to the staff’s ability and utmost commitment to provide quality health care.
Re-certification surveys for home health agencies are normally conducted by the State every two or three years. The survey process involves multiple surveyors inspecting the company’s performance, and compliance with all applicable program requirements specified by the Center of Medicare & Medicaid Services. Residential care facilities are usually surveyed annually.
Anchor Home Health of Greater Columbus is a full-service home health agency that provides skilled nursing, home health aide services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, medical social work, and home telehealth in Franklin, Licking and Delaware counties of Ohio.
- Date: May 8, 2015