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Education, whether formal or informal, aims at learning and retaining knowledge, and skills that help us to lead better lives and contribute in the productivity of our community.

We strongly believe that proper education facilitates desirable outcomes that in turn helps communities. Toledo Career Institute (est. 2015) is grounded in this belief; it aspires to deliver quality career- oriented education that will help meet the needs of the society. However, we also fully appreciate that not all education culminates or needs to be validated by a diploma. While Toledo Career Institute offers formal education (for-credit and non-credit courses), the SAI Group Foundation led health education forums organized by Community Health Advisors, aims to improve health literacy and help individuals especially the elderly to better understand and care for their medical conditions. Aided by several organizational partners, the success of the Community Health Advisors’ first project, Healthy Toledo! (est. 2013), helped us spread the program in several other communities served by the SAI Group affiliates.